{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "id": 12, "name": "CADASTRE_AUS", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "The digital cadastral boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the relevant bodies from each Australian State and Territory jurisdiction combined by OMNILINK Pty Limited, extracted from PSMA CadLite. \n\nCadastre is a seamless national cadastral database of Australia\u2019s 10.9 million parcels. It is designed to meet the needs of organisations that require a graphical representation of land parcel boundaries on a broad scale, to integrate with other data in servicing their business needs. This graphical index of digital cadastre or registered land parcels can be used to reference other geographic and land administrative data available from respective jurisdictions. \nThe Property theme was released for the first time as a complete national dataset in August 2006. CadLite also incorporates Local Government Area boundaries from the Administrative Boundaries dataset.\n\nThe May 2012 release of CadLite includes update to both the Cadastre and Property themes in all jurisdictions.\n\nThe February 2012 release:\nPSMA has extended the CadLite data model to include a type value for each cadastral title (CAD table) to provide an indication of the stage of the parcels lifecycle. The associated authority table with this field is shown below:\nCode Name Description\n1 Registered A parcel which has a title issued. This is the default value.\n2 NotRegistered A parcel whose boundaries have been sourced from a plan of subdivision (proposed \n or authorised) prior to the issue of a title. Its boundaries are subject to change.\n\nThe default value for the field is 1 and at present values of 2 exists only in Victoria, the ACT and the Jervis Bay Territory.\nWestern Australia also holds proposed lots and these have been requested for future releases.\nNo other jurisdiction holds proposed lots.\n\nOther Territories \u2013 Jervis Bay Territory\nAll polygons in the Jervis Bay Territory have had new CAD_PIDs reassigned due to a spatial update from the ACT Government. The spatial update has also rectified an incorrect parcel boundary representation in the south-east corner of the Territory.\nThere is one example of two registered parcels overlapping near Jervis Bay Village: this reflects the contribution from the ACT Government.\n\nField Descriptions:\n\nCAD_PID - The persistent identifer is unique to the real world feature this record represents.\nCAD_POLYGON_PID - This is the old CADL_PID in the current CadLite prefixed with the state code. The persistent identifier is unique to the real world feature this record represents,\nDATE_CREATED - Date this record was created.\nDATE_RETIRED - Date this record was retired\nAIRPORT_LG_PID: Aiport persistent identifier\nGREENSPACE_PID: Greenspace persistent identifier \nJURISDICTION_ID_CAD - Previously known as PARCEL_ID in CadLite. Sibling CAP_POLYGON records must have the same jurisdiction_id.\nLGA_PID - The LGA this CAD parcel falls within. Only should be null where CAD fails in unincorported area (e.g. NT)\nLOCALITY_PID - The gazetted locality this CAD falls in. Only should be null where CAD falls in unincorporated area (e.g. NT)\nLOCALITY_NAME - Locality name.\nPROPERTY_PID - Property persistent identifier.\nPROPERTY_CAD_PID - The persistent identifier is unique to the real world feature this record represents.\nLGA_NAME - Local Government Area name assigned spatially by PSMA Australia.\nLGA_ABB_NAME - Abbreviated Local Government Area name assigned spatially by PSMA Australia.\nSTATE_NAME - State name.\nSTATE_ABBREVIATION - Abbreviation for the State as identified by STATE_PID.\nPARCEL_STATUS_CODE: Code of parcel status\nPARCEL_STATUS_NAME: Name of parcel status type\nPARCEL_STATUS_DESC: Description of parcel status type\n\nThe structure of the JURISDICTION_ID_CAD field is as follows:\nJURISDICTION CONCATENATION\n*********************************************\nACT DIST + \u201c/\u201d + DIV + \u201c/\u201d + SECTION + \u201c/\u201d + BLOCK\nNSW LOTNUMBER + \u201c/\u201d + SECTIONNUM + \u201c/\u201d + PLANLABEL\nNT PAR_LOC + \u201c/\u201d + PAR_LTO + \u201c/\u201d + PAR_PAR + \u201c/\u201d + PAR_PT \n PAR_LOC + \u201c/\u201d + PAR_LTO + \u201c/\u201d + PAR_PAR + \u201c/\u201d + PAR_PT + \u201c/\u201d + UNIT_NUM\nQLD LOT_NUM + \u201c/\u201d + PLAN_NUM\nSA PLAN_T + PLAN + \u201c/\u201d + PARCEL_T + PARCEL\nTAS LOT + \u201c/\u201d + PLAN\nVIC LOT_NUMBER + \u201c/\u201d + SEC + \u201c/\u201d + BLOCK + \u201c/\u201d PLAN_NO + \u201c~\u201d + ALLOTMENT + \u201c/\u201d + SEC + \u201c/\u201d + BLOCK + \u201c/\u201d + PORTION + \u201c/\u201d + PARISHC\nWA PIPARCEL", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857 }, "copyrightText": "", "parentLayer": { "id": 10, "name": "National_map" }, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 5000, "maxScale": 0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 178, 178, 178, 255 ], "width": 0.4 } }, 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