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Lord Howe Island Group, Gondwana Rainforests of Australia, Fraser Island, Macquarie Island, Heard and McDonald Islands, the Greater Blue Mountains Area and Purnululu National Park are listed under the World Heritage criteria for natural heritage. \n\nThe Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens, Melbourne were inscribed in the World Heritage List against Cultural criterion (ii): exhibit an important interchange of human values over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town planning or landscape design.\n\nThe Sydney Opera House was inscribed in the World Heritage List in 2007 against Cultural criterion (i) (see http://whc.unesco.org/en/criteria)\n\nThe Australian Convict Sites was inscribed on the World Heritage List on 31 July 2010. There are 11 sites that make up the World Heritage Australian Convict Sites against Cultural criterion (iv) and (vi).\n\nThe Ningaloo Coast was inscribed on the World Heritage List in June 2011 against Natural criteria (vii) and (x).\n\nA single Australian World Heritage Areas database has been created by combining data which was historically stored as a separate set of data for each property.\n\nThe coastline of Queensland was produced under specific contract for Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) by AUSLIG in 1984. Originally engineered by AUSLIG from datasets produced by the Division of National Mapping and RAN Hydrographic Service; Queensland coastal information produced by AUSLIG at 250k scale with 100k elements from developing technology at the time of genesis; Island information is specific to the Great Barrier Reef Region as produced from RAN Hydrographic Service data at 100k scale. 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