{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "cimVersion": "2.9.0", "id": 1, "name": "Indigenous Protected Areas\u2013as at SoE 2011", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2008 provides both spatial and text information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for continental Australia. State and Territory conservation agencies supplied data current for various dates between October 2008 and January 2009. This is the seventh version of the database, with previous versions released in 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006. CAPAD provides a snapshot of protected areas that meet the IUCN definition of a protected area:\n\n\"A protected area is an area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective means\" (IUCN 1994).\n\nThe department publishes a summary of the CAPAD data biannually on its website at http://www.environment.gov.au/parks/nrs/science/capad/index.html. \n\nThis version of CAPAD 2008 is for RESTRICTED USE WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT ONLY. The public version of CAPAD data (Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database - CAPAD 2008-external) is available for non-commercial use by agreeing to the license conditions. IT IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR COMMERCIAL USE. If commercial use is sought an approach needs to be made to the individual data suppliers. CAPAD 2008-external spatial data is available for password protected download from the Discover Information Geographically (DIG) website: http://www.environment.gov.au/metadataexplorer/explorer.jsp.\n\nMain attributes in the database include:\n\nNAME: the name of the protected area. Gazetted PAs with no name are flagged as \"Unnamed\" with a reserve number. \n\nTYPE: the type of protected area according to the protected area establishment mechanism. \n\nTYPE_ABBR: the abbreviation of the TYPE.\nACCP=Conservation Covenant\nBG=Botanic Gardens (Commonwealth)\nCA=Conservation Area\nCCA=Coordinated Conservation Area\nCCAZ1=CCA Zone 1 National Park\nCCAZ3=CCA Zone 3 State Conservation Area\nCOP=Other Park - Schedule 3, National Parks Act\nCOR=Coastal Reserve\nCP=Conservation Park\nCR=Conservation Reserve\nFLR=Flora Reserve\nFR=Forest Reserve\nGR=Game Reserve\nHA=Heritage Agreement\nHER=Heritage River\nHIR=Historical Reserve\nHS=Historic Site\nHTR=Hunting Reserve\nIPA=Indigenous Protected Area\nKCR=Karst Conservation Reserve\nMAA=Management Agreement Area\nMCP=Marine and Coastal Park (National Parks Act Schedule 4)\nMR=Miscellaneous Reserve\nNAP=Nature Park\nNAPA=Nature Park (Aboriginal)\nNCA=Natural Catchment Area\nNCR=Nature Conservation Reserve\n =Nature Conservation Reserve - Flora and Fauna Reserve\n =Nature Conservation Reserve - Flora Reserve\n =Nature Conservation Reserve - Wildlife Reserve (NCR classification)\n =Nature Conservation Reserve - Wildlife Reserve (no hunting)\nNFR=Natural Features Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Bushland Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Cave Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Geological Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Gippsland Lakes Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Natural Features and Scenic Reserve)\n =Natural Features Reserve - River Murray Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Scenic Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Streamside Reserve\n =Natural Features Reserve - Wildlife Reserve (hunting)\n =Natural Features Reserve - Wildlife Reserve (SGR classification)\nNP=National Park\nNPA=National Park Aboriginal\nNPC=National Park (Commonwealth)\nNPR=National Park (Recovery)\nNPS=National Park (Scientific)\nNR=Nature Reserve\nNRA=Nature Recreation Area\nNREF=Nature Refuge\nNRS=NRS Addition - gazettal in progress\nOCA=Other Conservation Area\nOCA/NAP=Other Conservation Area/Nature Park\nOP=Other Park\nPA=Protected Area\nPNP=Proposed National Park\nPNPA=Proposed National Parks Act park or park addition\nPNR=Private Nature Reserve\nPPP=Permanent Park Preserve\nPR=Proposed Reserve\nPS=Private Sanctuary\nRA=Reference Area\nREP=Regional Park\nRNA=Remote and Natural Area\nRP=Recreation Park\nRR=Regional Reserve\nRSR=Resources Reserve\nS5G=5(1)(g) Reserve\nS5H=5(1)(h) Reserve\nSCA=State Conservation Area\nSP=State Park\nSR=State Reserve\nTR=Timber Reserve\nWA=Wilderness Protected Area\nWP=Wilderness Park\nWZ=Wilderness Zone\nWP=Wilderness Park\nWZ=Wilderness Zone\n\nIUCN: the IUCN protected area management category ascribed by the Managing authority, as outlined in the publication: CNPPA/WCMC \"Guidelines for Protected Area management categories\". Gland: IUCN, 1994. (ISBN: 2-8317-0201-1).\n\n Definitions include:\n IA Strict Nature Reserve: managed mainly for science;\n IB Wilderness Area: managed mainly for wilderness protection;\n II National Park: managed mainly for ecosystem protection;\n III Natural Monument: managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features;\n IV Habitat / Species Management Area: managed mainly for conservation through management intervention;\n V Protected Landscape / Seascape: managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation and recreation;\n VI Managed Resource Protected Area: managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems.\n\nGAZ_AREA: area in hectares as described in the nomination document (e.g. parliamentary gazettal), to the nearest hectare. Some protected areas do not have a specific area in the designation.\n\nGIS_AREA: area in hectares based on current spatial data and an Albers equal area projection for Australia. Where protected area consists of multiple polygons (parts) the GIS_AREA is the sum of all the polygons with the same name, type, state and IUCN category.\n\nREPT_AREA: area in hectares from the GAZ_AREA attribute and if this is a null value then the GIS_AREA is used. For Protected areas with multiple records, REPT_AREA is a calculated by dividing GAZ_AREA by GIS_AREA of the total then applying this factor to the GIS_AREA of the record.\n\nGAZ_DATE: the first gazettal or proclamation date that established any protected area at this site. \n\nLATEST_GAZ: the date of the most recent gazettal or proclamation to add land to the protected area. It can be the same date as the GAZ_AREA.\n\nNRS_PA: This attribute indicates the status of the protected area as part of the National Reserve System (NRS). \"Y\" = a protected area located within the State and Territory jurisdiction. \"X\" = a protected area located within an Australian external territory (e.g. Christmas Island). \"I\" = an interim protected area - in the process of being gazetted/established. \"N\" = a protected area that does not meet the NRS criteria.\n\nSTATE: The state is the state that the protected area is located in. COM = protected areas located in Australian external territories.\n\nAUTHORITY: The Authority responsible for the management of the protected area mechanism.\nACT_TAMS: ACT - Territory and Municipal Services\nAWC:Australian Wildlife Conservancy\nDEC: WA Department of Environment and Conservation\nDECC: NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change\nDERM: Qld Department of Environment and Resource Management\nDEWHA: Department of the Environment, Heritage, Water and the Arts\nDEWHA-AAD: Department of the Environment, Heritage, Water and the Arts Australian Antarctic Division\nDSE: VIC Department of Sustainability and Environment \nForests NSW\nLHI Board: Lord Howe Island Board\nNSW NPWS: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.\nNT_PWS: NT Parks and Wildlife Service\nSA_DEH: SA Department of Environment and Heritage\nSA_FRST: Forestry SA\nTAS_DPIW: TAS Department of Primary Industries and Water\nTAS_FT: Forestry Tasmania\nTAS_PWS: TAS Parks and Wildlife Service\nTAS_WPMT: Wellington Park Management Trust \n\nDATASOURCE: Describes the source of the data for the protected area, values are:\nACT_TAMS: ACT - Territory and Municipal Services\nDEWHA: Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts\nDEWHA_NRSP: Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts National Reserve System Program\nNRETAS: NT Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport\nNSW_DECC: NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change\nQLD_DERM: Qld Department of Environment and Resource Management\nSA_DEH: SA Dept. of Environment and Heritage\nTAS DPIW: Tasmania Department of Primary Industries and Water\nVIC_DSE: Department of Environment and Sustainability\nWA_GOV: Department of Environment and Conservation\n\nGOVERNANCE: Determines if the protected area is government, Indigenous, joint or privately managed.\n\nENVIRON: A protected area gazetted as terrestrial may have a marine component and vice versa. A PROTECTED AREA can be 'T' terrestrial, marine 'M' and both 'B'\n\nOVERLAP: Shows whether or not the protected area is overlapped by another. Protected areas with a value of '1' are the primary protected area in that area. A protected area with a value of '2' is completely overlapped by another protected area.\n\nX_COORD: is the longitude in decimal degrees east within the object closest to the centre of the object using the Geodetic Datum of Australia 1994.\n\nY_COORD: is the latitude in decimal degrees south within the object closest to the centre of the object using the Geodetic Datum of Australia 1994.\n\nOBJECTID *, Shape *, SHAPE.AREA and SHAPE.LEN are automatically generated ESRI attributes", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 4283, "latestWkid": 4283, "xyTolerance": 8.98315284119521E-9, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -400, "falseY": -400, "xyUnits": 9.999999999999999E8, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "copyrightText": "ACT Department of Territory and Municipal Services\nDepartment of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts\nNT Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and 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