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These boundaries are not legally binding.\n \nAn Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) is an area of Indigenous-owned land or sea where traditional Indigenous owners have entered into an agreement with the Australian Government to promote biodiversity and cultural resource conservation.\n\nThe Indigenous Protected Areas element of the Caring for our Country initiative supports Indigenous communities to manage their land as IPAs, contributing to the National Reserve System. Further information can be found at the website below.\n\nhttp://www.environment.gov.au/indigenous/ipa/index.html\n\nDeclared IPAs in order of gazettal date:\n\nNantawarrina\nPreminghana\nRisdon Cove\nputalina\nDeen Maar\nYalata\nWarul Kawa\nWatarru\nWalalkara\nMount Chappell Island\nBadger Island\nDhimurru\nGuanaba\nWattleridge\nMount Willoughby\nParuku\nNgaanyatjarra\nTyrendarra\nToogimbie\nAnindilyakwa\nLaynhapuy - Stage 1\nNinghan\nNorth Tanami\nWarlu Jilajaa Jumu\nKaanju Ngaachi\nGreat Dog Island\nBabel Island\nlungatalanana\nAngas Downs\nPulu Islet\nTarriwa Kurrukun\nWarddeken\nDjelk\nJamba Dhandan Duringala\nKurtonitj\nFramlingham Forest\nKalka - Pipalyatjara\nBoorabee and The Willows\nLake Condah\nMarri-Jabin (Thamurrurr - Stage 1)\nBrewarrina Ngemba Billabong\nUunguu - Stage 1\nApara - Makiri - Punti\nAntara - Sandy Bore\nDorodong\nWeilmoringle\nYanyuwa (Barni - Wardimantha Awara)\nMinyumai\nGumma\nMandingalbay Yidinji\nSouthern Tanami\nAngkum - Stage 1\nNgunya 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