Parent Layer:
Marine Protected Areas
Name: Australian Marine Parks
Display Field: NETNAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Consistent with the Australian Government's commitment to develop a National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas, networks of Marine Parks have been proclaimed for Commonwealth waters across the North, North-west, South-west, Temperate East and Coral Sea Marine Regions. These networks build on previous Marine Protected Area proclamations, including the South-east Network declared in 2007. This data includes all marine parks managed by DOEE with the addition of the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve, which is managed by the Australian Antarctic Division This dataset is released under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0). IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR MARINE USERS Transitional arrangements apply to the North, North-west, South-west and Temperate East Marine Parks Networks and the Coral Sea Marine Park, until management plans come into effecton the 1st July 2018. These arrangements involve NO CHANGES ON THE WATER for marine users. Note, there are no changes to management arrangements in the marine parks that existed prior to the establishment of the new marine parks, that is, the same restrictions on activities will continue to apply even where those reserves have been incorporated into new marine parks. More information is available at This data contains spatial and contextual information about Australian Marine Parks under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth governments Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, which are managed by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy. It does not include data on MPA's in other Australian jurisdictions (e.g. the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, State/Territory parks), or Terrestrial Protected Areas with marine components (eg Pulu Keeling National Park).
Copyright Text: Australia's network of Marine Parks. © Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy, 2018
Default Visibility: true
MaxRecordCount: 10000
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
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Max Scale: 0
Supports Advanced Queries: true
Supports Statistics: true
Has Labels: false
Can Modify Layer: true
Can Scale Symbols: false
Use Standardized Queries: true
Supports Datum Transformation: true
XMin: 7872183.100971001
YMin: -8062335.808272146
XMax: 1.8965130581522822E7
YMax: -946712.6103209363
Spatial Reference: 102100
Drawing Info:
Unique Value Renderer:
Field 2: N/A
Field 3: N/A
Field Delimiter: ,
Default Symbol:
Default Label: N/A
Value: Sanctuary Zone (IUCN Ia)
Label: Sanctuary Zone (IUCN Ia)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [247, 192, 216, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: National Park Zone (IUCN II)
Label: National Park Zone (IUCN II) (Marine National Park Zone (IUCN II) in the SE)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [123, 188, 99, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Marine National Park Zone (IUCN II)
Label: National Park Zone (IUCN II) (Marine National Park Zone (IUCN II) in the SE)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [123, 188, 99, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Recreational Use Zone (IUCN IV)
Label: Recreational Use Zone (IUCN IV)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [253, 186, 51, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Habitat Protection Zone (Lord Howe) (IUCN IV)
Label: Habitat Protection Zone (Lord Howe) (IUCN IV)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSBackwardDiagonal
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Habitat Protection Zone (Reefs) (IUCN IV)
Label: Habitat Protection Zone (Reefs) (IUCN IV)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSBackwardDiagonal
Color: [123, 188, 99, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Habitat Protection Zone (IUCN IV)
Label: Habitat Protection Zone (IUCN IV)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [255, 248, 163, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Multiple Use Zone (IUCN VI)
Label: Multiple Use Zone (IUCN VI)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [185, 230, 251, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Special Purpose Zone (Norfolk) (IUCN VI)
Label: Special Purpose Zone (Norfolk) (IUCN VI)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSBackwardDiagonal
Color: [255, 248, 163, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Special Purpose Zone (Mining Exclusion) (IUCN VI)
Label: Special Purpose Zone (Mining Exclusion) (IUCN VI)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSBackwardDiagonal
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Special Purpose Zone (Trawl) (IUCN VI)
Label: Special Purpose Zone (Trawl) (IUCN VI)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSForwardDiagonal
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Value: Special Purpose Zone (IUCN VI)
Label: Special Purpose Zone (IUCN VI)
Description: N/A
Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [109, 175, 224, 255]
Style: esriSLSSolid
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255]
Width: 0
Transparency: 0
Labeling Info:
Advanced Query Capabilities:
Supports Statistics: true
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Supports Returning Query Extent: true
Supports Query With Distance: true
Supports Sql Expression: true
Supports Query With ResultType: false
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Supports Query With LOD Spatial Reference: false
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Has Attachments: false
HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText
Type ID Field: null
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Network name, length: 254
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Reserve name, length: 254
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Zone name, length: 254
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Zone category, length: 5
Supported Operations:
Query Attachments
Query Analytic
Generate Renderer
Return Updates