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Legend (abares/AustStateOfForests2018)

Tenure of Australia's forests (2018) (0)
Leasehold Leasehold
Multiple-use public forest Multiple-use public forest
Nature conservation reserve Nature conservation reserve
Unresolved tenure Unresolved tenure
Other Crown land Other Crown land
Private Private
Planned and Unplanned fires in Australia’s forests 2011–16 (2018) (2)
Unplanned Unplanned
Planned Planned
Both planned and unplanned Both planned and unplanned
Frequency of fire in Australia's forests 2011-16 (2018) (3)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Forests of Australia (2018) (4)
Acacia Acacia
Callitris Callitris
Casuarina Casuarina
Eucalypt Low Closed Eucalypt Low Closed
Eucalypt Low Open Eucalypt Low Open
Eucalypt Low Woodland Eucalypt Low Woodland
Eucalypt Mallee Open Eucalypt Mallee Open
Eucalypt Mallee Woodland Eucalypt Mallee Woodland
Eucalypt Medium Closed Eucalypt Medium Closed
Eucalypt Medium Open Eucalypt Medium Open
Eucalypt Medium Woodland Eucalypt Medium Woodland
Eucalypt Tall Closed Eucalypt Tall Closed
Eucalypt Tall Open Eucalypt Tall Open
Eucalypt Tall Woodland Eucalypt Tall Woodland
Hardwood plantation Hardwood plantation
Mangrove Mangrove
Melaleuca Melaleuca
Mixed species plantation Mixed species plantation
Non forest (may show as transparent) Non forest (may show as transparent)
Other forest – unallocated type Other forest – unallocated type
Other native forest Other native forest
Rainforest Rainforest
Softwood plantation Softwood plantation