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abares/NLUM_250m (MapServer)

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Service Description: The Land use of Australia 2010–11 to 2015–16, 250 m is a data package of seamless continental rasters that present land use at national-scale for 2010–11, 2015–16 and the associated change between the two target periods, at a resolution of 250 by 250 metres (0.002197 degree cell size). Agricultural land uses and their spatial distributions are modelled using the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2010–11 and 2015–16 agricultural census data, Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery and training data. Non-agricultural land uses are drawn from existing datasets covering multiple themes including protected areas, topographic features, tenure, forest type and catchment scale land use. Land use is specified according to the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification version 8. The same method is applied to both target periods using representative national datasets for each period, where available. The data are inputs to the first National Land Account, Experimental Estimates released jointly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Previous datasets have a coarser resolution of 0.01 degree cell size. This is a product of the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP).

Map Name: Land use of Australia 2010-11 to 2015-16 (250m)


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Layers: Description: The Land use of Australia 2010–11 to 2015–16, 250 m is a data package of seamless continental rasters that present land use at national-scale for 2010–11, 2015–16 and the associated change between the two target periods, at a resolution of 250 by 250 metres (0.002197 degree cell size). Agricultural land uses and their spatial distributions are modelled using the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2010–11 and 2015–16 agricultural census data, Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery and training data. Non-agricultural land uses are drawn from existing datasets covering multiple themes including protected areas, topographic features, tenure, forest type and catchment scale land use. Land use is specified according to the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) Classification version 8. The same method is applied to both target periods using representative national datasets for each period, where available. The data are inputs to the first National Land Account, Experimental Estimates released jointly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Previous datasets have a coarser resolution of 0.01 degree cell size. This is a product of the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP).

Copyright Text: ABARES 2022, Land use of Australia 2010–11 to 2015–16, 250 m, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, Canberra, September CC BY 4.0. https://doi.10.25814/7ygw-4d64

Spatial Reference: GEOGCS["GCS_GCS_GDA_1994",DATUM["D_GDA_1994",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["'Greenwich'",0.0],UNIT["'Degree'",0.0174532925199433]]

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriDecimalDegrees


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 1000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON

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Min Scale: 40000000

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

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