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snippet: Australia - Pre-1750 Major Vegetation Groups
summary: Australia - Pre-1750 Major Vegetation Groups
extent: [[109.518101699445,-44.3090246416716],[157.213253394487,-8.13986934260101]]
accessInformation: Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This raster dataset 'NVIS 6.0' provides the latest summary information (October 2017) on Australia's present (extant) native vegetation. Descriptions of the column headings where features are identified in WMS format are as follows: - PixelValue: The value assigned to the identified category, equivalent to the MVG_NO. OBJECTID: A sequential number generated for each unique category. COUNT: The total number of pixels that make up the corresponding MVG category. MVG_NAME: The name of the identified Major Vegetation Group. MVG_COMMON_DESC: A generic description of the identified Major Vegetation Group. SORT_ORDER: The preferred sort order for MVG_NO. MVG_NO: The assigned number for the identified MVG. EXTANT_KM2: The extant (present) total area covered by the identified MVG across Australia in square kilometres. PRE1750_KM2: The Pre-1750 total area covered by the identified MVG across Australia in square kilometres. AREA_CLEARED_KM2: The total cleared area of the identified MVG since 1750 across Australia in square kilometres. PERCENT_REMAINING: The percent remaining of the identified MVG in the present day across Australia when compared to its Pre-1750 extent. CAPAD_EXT_AREA_PROTECTED_KM2: The extant (present) total area of the identified MVG occurring in CAPAD (2016) in square kilometres. CAPAD_PERCENT_PROTECTED: The percentage of the identified MVG presently occurring in CAPAD (2016) relative to the total area of the MVG.
licenseInfo: Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
type: Map Service
culture: en-AU
name: NVIS_pre_mvg
guid: 07D503CD-E866-4D8C-B9FB-E70301C26C2B
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere